Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We trust that having arrived here you have received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

Accepting Jesus, as your Lord is the best decision you will ever make. The whole of Heaven is also rejoicing. The Bible tells us in Luke 15:4
“There is joy in heaven because you gave your life to Jesus.”

When you received Jesus your spirit within you was "Born Again.” You now have a relationship with Jesus. God is now your Father and you have been adopted into His family. He loves you and desires to take care of you. The Bible says in 2Corinthians 5:17, “You have become a new creation.”

You are now right with God. Your old sinful nature has been taken away and God has put a new clean spirit in you.

You can trust God to take care of you because you are now a member of His family.

To help you to grow in your faith and get to know your Heavenly Father better, here are some important steps to take next.

1. Spend time with God every day.

Buy or borrow a modern translation of the Bible and spend some time reading it every day. We suggest you start with the New Testament. Perhaps the Gospel of Luke or the Book of James. Luke will tell you more about Jesus and James will help you to understand more about how to live the Christian life. Before you read take time to thank God for what He has done in your life. Ask God to reveal more of himself to you as you read his word.

Don’t read too quickly. Spend some time meditating on what you have read and think on it during the day.

There is power in the word of God. Allow it to take root in your heart and mind. Mark, and memorise verses that particularly speak to you. The Bible is not an ordinary book. God speaks into your life through the Bible. Allow what you read in the bible it to take root in your heart and mind. Mark, and memorise verses that particularly speak to you. Keep a journal of the things that God shows you and write down the answers to your prayers.  It will help you remember how good and faithful God is to you.

After you have read for a few minutes spend some time in communion with God. Tell him about your needs and ask him to take care of them as He has promised to. Then ask Him how you can be a blessing to those around you.

Listen to God as you read and as you pray. A relationship is a two-way thing. Expect him to speak into your heart and guide you.

2. Spend time with other Christians

Being a Christian is being part of a worldwide family. It is important to meet other Christians who can help you grow in your faith. Ask God to lead you to meet some other Christians who can help you and take you along to a local Bible believing church.

Remember you are not on your own now. God is for you not against you.

It would be a blessing for us, and to you, if you joined one of our Faith Life House Family Homes. Contact us and we will help you find one in your area or help you to start one of your own .